Confessions of a Mom Entering the Toddler Years…

Okay so I recently had the discussion with my husband that our sweet girl is now a toddler and will probably start behaving like one (she already does šŸ˜³). He obviously only sees her as the sweet angel she was when we brought her home. Of course sheā€™s still the sweetest and I love her immensely, but Jesus she has become a sass master.

Letā€™s just say this girl is fierce and I see her conquering the world one day. For now, she reacts with vengeance when sheā€™s told ā€œnoā€ and weā€™re working on that lol. So here are my little confessions since embarking on this terror train. 

  1. I donā€™t like her sometimes. šŸ™ Now, I always LOVE my child unconditionally but I donā€™t like her all the time. She just now walked up to me and clawed my face. Hence me not liking her for a second. 
  2. When my husband leaves it all to me to deal with, I plot what household object Iā€™d like to knock him out with. Fellas, be better. All around just be there for fuckā€™s sake. 
  3. I see my temper in her and it scares the shit out of me. I hope I can teach her better coping skills than I have. 
  4. Iā€™m honestly terrified that Iā€™m screwing her up. Iā€™m trying my best to discipline in a constructive, science-backed manner but itā€™s freaking hard. 
  5. I donā€™t like being a stay at home mom. I hate saying that because I wanted that for so long. This is probably an unpopular opinion but I feel like Iā€™m wasting my education and it seriously devastates me. My husband doesnā€™t see me as the accomplished woman I am anymore and that pisses me off more than it makes me sad. Iā€™m still wrestling with this and itā€™s okay. 

Okay, rant over and if you made it through that, snaps for you! šŸ˜‰ 

Babyā€™s First IllnessĀ 

Yā€™all Iā€™m writing to you from a desperate place. Little Millie is sick with her first real stomach “icky” and Iā€™d be lying if I said was handling it like a pro. She started throwing up on Saturday. Weā€™re coming up on the third evening of throwing up and my heart is breaking for her. Iā€™ve cried literally every time sheā€™s gotten sick and I wish more than anything I could take this sickness from her. 

However, this is my first rodeo with something like this (well with my own kid anyways) and Iā€™ve picked up some new mommy knowledge I thought Iā€™d share. Itā€™s probably old news to veteran moms but still…

  • Keep butter bowls or Tupperware within reach at all times. Seriously keep them on every table, countertop, beside the couch, etc.  Trust me. 
  • Co-sleeping breastfed baby? Sleep topless on top of towels and keep a stack of new towels by the bed. Also trust me lol After 12 loads of laundry Iā€™ve given up on keeping pajamas on her and me. 
  • Keep nursing! Nurse any chance! You do not want that baby getting dehydrated. Weā€™re currently nursing and offering sips of Pedialyte every 15 minutes. With that being said, SIPS are better than gulps when theyā€™re still nauseous. Also learned that the hard way. Yes breastmilk is amazing but too much on and aggravated tummy leads to Excorcist like conditions. 
  • Call your mom, aunt, cousin, best friend, whoever! Being stuck at home bleaching everything sucks. Take three seconds for yourself and have an adult conversation even if said conversation is about the contents of your babyā€™s puke. 
  • When all else fails, sit in a warm, comfy bath with your sick babe. It will relax both of you and encourage nursing. Hey if puke happens in there, no big deal šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø. 

If youā€™ve made it this far, thanks for reading and wish me luck. Iā€™m still stuck in the trenches of this one. 

I Love my Husband but…a short list of crap SAHMā€™s Put up with

I know Iā€™ve posted loving little references to my wonderful husband in the past, but I am not immune to the annoying shit that husbands put wives (and specifically moms) through. Heā€™s a great dad. Iā€™ll give him that, but if I could just get him to switch me places for one day….

  • First of all… heā€™d be pretty damn irritated if I came home after work and just sat in my recliner and neglected to help with childcare. He does this 95% of the time. Iā€™m sitting in the floor ā€œplayingā€ after only speaking to a tiny human all day and he just sits there. I canā€™t ask him for anything or even bother him to talk about the day until heā€™s sat there for at least an hour šŸ™„ he has a stressful job (air traffic controller), I get it. However, I also know he only works one freakin hour at a time and Iā€™ve been holding my pee for three hours because the kid is having a clingy day. 
  • Heā€™d also get a little annoyed if I put all my dirty dishes in the sink when the empty dishwasher sits 20 inches to the right…how hard is it? Will his balls fall off if he does this? I donā€™t know but there is a mysterious force that keeps him from loading the dishwasher šŸ¤”
  • Oh I know for a fact heā€™d get pretty pissed off if I asked for a gold sticker every time I did something around the house thatā€™s just expected for everyone else. You know, picking up after yourself, laundry in the hamper, putting the q-tip you drop back in the trash can, changing a dirty diaper (not waiting an hour for someone else to do it), taking out the trash….you get it. Why do men want and freaking congratulations when they do stuff wives do 100x a week?? Whereā€™s my damn cookie and confetti? šŸ™„
  • Or, or, or….if my response to every request or complaint was simply ā€œyeah but I work.ā€ šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜” 

Yeah, Iā€™m a stay at home Mom but guess what, I work LEAPS AND BOUNDS more than he does. My job is 24/7 without mandatory lunch breaks. Just something to think about….

Me too kid, me too. šŸ˜

Makers Gonna Make: So I Started a Business šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø

I’ve clearly been on a sabbatical from blogging but I’ve been up to some really fulfilling stuff! I completely resigned from my job and took the plunge into starting my own creative business. For the last 3 months I’ve been toying around with idea and I finally just said “now or never!” 

So here’s the gist of what I been digging into…I’m up to my ears in wooden signs, sewn baby items, and screen printed shirts šŸ˜ I guess I’m too scattered to settle on a niche lol. 

Long story short… the focus of this blog will be shifting a bit. I suppose that mirrors how life changes in the first year of motherhood. We’re all just growing into our roles and adapting to the chaos of juggling it all. I’ll still be writing about my struggle bus but we’ll probably throw in some crafty posts here & there. 
Thanks for hanging with the struggle šŸšŒ

Baby Tantrums are a Thing?!?

(Side note: cheers to me for posting two days in a row! šŸ™€) 

When I became a mom I had this picturesque notion that I had at least 18ish months until I would be dealing with full fledged tantrums. I’m here to let all the readers know, I was wrong. I was devastatingly wrong. 

At almost 10 months, we are now dealing with 5-10 tantrums a day. Let me reiterate…I had no freaking idea babies her age threw tantrums! So, I did what any other good, millennial mom would do. I Googled it šŸ™šŸ¼ 

The Google gods state that baby tantrums differ from toddler tantrums and they shouldn’t be handled in the same way. From what I gathered, baby tantrums arise out of a surge of emotion or frustration from not being able to move where said baby wishes or communicate wants or needs. (Insert mental dialogue: “Well shit. There is literally nothing I can do but continue guessing what she wants and help her ride the emotional roller coaster.”) 

Folks I am here to tell you, this is hard and I am struggling. Today we tried repeatedly offering snacks, drinks, cuddles, and every toy in the house. I’d like to say I’m figuring her out but she’s like an entirely different person the older she gets. I love watching her evolve but girl is gonna give momma a drinking problem (as in coffee). 

On a positive note, she learned where her nose is and how to point to it today. That’s a win, right?