I’m Just a Curly Haired Girl 

Soooo let’s take a break from talking babies, stress, and husbands lol. Recently I’ve abandoned by flat iron and haven’t looked back since. It was a rude awakening when I moved to the South and discovered it was a lost cause trying to make my waves behave. Since then, I’ve found the Curly Girl Method. From research on Pinterest to buying every product I find, I have been doing my best to bring my hair back to life and let it do its own thing 💇🏼

I figured I might as well document what works and what doesn’t. Hence the hair post lol. So here goes….

I decided to give Ouidad shampoo and conditioner a go. Let me be clear, I only tried the shampoo and conditioner because it was on sale in a value pack. I plan on purchasing the styling products to try with them. For now, I used the shampoo and conditioner with Cantu curl cream (for kids because I accidentally picked up that bottle at Publix and decided I liked it 😍). 

Overall, I liked the way Ouidad felt during the wash and condition. The smell was amazing and my hair felt clean. I can honestly say my curl pattern wasn’t much different from my usual cheapie products. However, I feel I should report on that again after using the styling products that go with them. I have used the comparable products from Devacurl and I definitely prefer Ouidad because of the lather and texture I was left with. So, the jury is still out but for now I give it 👍🏼👍🏼.  

☝🏼 this last picture is after my hair completely air dried and I scrunched out the crunch. 

I’d say I have a 2C texture most days and I’m hoping I can get a more defined curl pattern 🙏🏼