Update from this Crafty Momma

Hey guys! I’m working on being more consistent with posting content. I recently reread the quote “write like no one is going to read it.” It really sparked my interest in blogging again. I think fear and insecurity stop me from posting on a regular basis because I overthink what I need to write about. Story of my life, right? Anyways, that’s become my new goal and I hope some genius flows through me and I begin writing the blog of the century! lol okayyy maybe not. I’d settle for making someone slightly grin while reading.

So back to my update…I’ve sold two signs. TWO freaking signs. It’s not what I hoped for but makers still gotta make. Right? See…there’s my insecurity. Seriously though, I LOVE being creative and in my element. At this point, I’m discouraged but nowhere near the level of discouragement I usually face. I feel this renewed spark and determination because I want, no NEED this to be something. I need this to be a success. For as long as I can remember, I’ve had a dream of owning my own store/coffee shop full of antiques and quirky decor. It’s always been in my mind, even during grad school. I think that’s where my energy is coming from. Even if I sell nothing, my dream is bigger than the icky feeling of insecurity.

alsoooo I want to sell some stuff though…. so here’s a few pieces of my work and PLEASE give me pointers and suggestions to get this thing moving. I’m begging!!!


Y’all please send the pointers my way! I’d love to hear some new ideas and put them to work 🙂 Also, here’s a link to my Etsy shop that I JUST OPENED ahhh!


Where is My Head??

I haven’t been as dedicated as I told myself I would be. I tried to be strict about writing on a regular basis but it’s fallen by the wayside. Mom life is definitely coming easier but I’m still struggling to grasp back onto “me”. I feel like I’ve lost a large part of my personality since becoming a mom. 

Since I’ve been trying to climb out of this hole I’ve dove head first into crafts, fitness, and excessive Pinteresting. It’s unhealthy how much I’m on Pinterest and let me be clear…I am NOT a Pinterest mom (lol). 

Some days I spend 3+ hours supervising free play from my recliner while I Pinterest things I wish I could be doing. I’m not even sure what I hope to accomplish by writing about this but maybe if another mom stumbles across this post and can relate to this numbness I feel, maybe she’ll feel relieved that she’s not alone. Maybe she’ll feel enough sunshine to climb out of her own hole. 

I feel like my loss of concrete purpose is to blame. I’m no longer in school, no longer working, and I have no long term goals anymore. So, I’m just wandering…that’s the only thing I can equate it to. I suppose I’ll continue searching for my fleeing wit and work on being present. After all, that’s all any of us can guarantee.

Parenting With Anxiety 

So it’s been a while since I posted and I could lie and I could lie and say I’ve just been having a wonderful time with my baby and I’ve been enjoying motherhood. However I’ll spare you from that. The truth is, I’ve been struggling to write this because it comes from a dark place. For the last month I’ve been navigating through symptoms of depression and intense anxiety. I’ve always experienced anxiety and I suppose you could just say I was “high functioning”. Now, however, it is debilitating. 

Parenting with anxiety is exhausting. My baby is what some may refer to as “high intensity”. Some days her cries feel like the stings of a hot cattle iron on my brain. I know she’s not intentionally doing this but as someone that absolutely needs quiet time to recharge, it is sometimes too much to cope with. I love her. I love her so much it consumes all of me. So dealing with the frustration I feel and the absolute admiration for her is confusing at times. 

Along with intensifying anxiety, I’ve also noticed some depression creeping in. Recently, I haven’t wanted to leave the house. I’m angry 90% of the time. I no longer enjoy my favorite pastimes. With a background in psychology, these red flags are obviously alarming. The realization that I’m probably dealing with postpartum depression hit me like a wave. I remember the panic I felt as I called my mom to vent the issues I had been facing. She worries for me now and I don’t blame her. I’m very isolated because I live 600+ miles away from any family. 

I suppose I’m coping a little better now. I’ve been trying at least. The main reason I’m sharing this now is because of some slim hope that it may help someone else. If someone is feeling this way, I want them to know they aren’t a horrible person. It’s entirely possible to love your baby and still feel these things. I see you. You can feel better. Please practice some self love when you can. Take that walk alone. Paint your nails. Enjoy that coffee. You deserve it and so does your little one.