Where Iā€™ve Been Lately…

I really have been meaning to write. I’ve had this determination to not fall off the wagon with blogging because it really alleviates so much stress for me. With that being said, I’ve clearly been gone for a while…

So here’s the gist:

We’re EXPECTING again šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜ so I’ve been laying low and tackling projects around my home (which I plan to write about soon). Baby #2 is due mid July 2018 and we couldn’t be happier. More updates to come, but so happy to share this one with you all ā˜ŗļø.

Gift Ideas for the Men in Your Life *Hipster EditionĀ 

Ok so the title says “men” because obviously we buy presents for men other than our husbands or significant others from time to time. However, this particular go around I was buying for my husband. So here goes… 

Our 4th wedding anniversary is coming up on Thanksgiving this year! Usually I always order something he sends me a specific link for, but Iā€™m a little tired of always giving the cheaper/less original gift. Heā€™s really a very picky individual that collects very specific objects. For example, he collects high quality knives. All kinds. Theyā€™re freaking everywhere at my house! He also smokes a tobacco pipe. So now we have that collection clutter on my shelves. He also likes hats and John Muir quotes. 

Clearly, Iā€™m married to a “hipster” lol. Itā€™s cool, heā€™s honestly a pretty rad dude and I love him dearly (most days). So I really wanted to go above and beyond my usual Amazon order. So hereā€™s a short list of the ideas I brainstormed. 

  • A new pipe and collection of new tobacco
  • A beard grooming gift set
  • Concert tickets
  • Rocking chair (for front porch sittinā€™) 
  • Stranger Things collectibles 
  • Suspenders and a few outfits to go with them
  • Record player and some vinyls

Okay so this isnā€™t the most extensive list but you have to know my guy. I really just wanted to give you a scaffold of ideas to branch off of when youā€™re doing your own shopping. I went with the record player and a Chris Stapleton vinyl by the way. First time EVER that I have his gift before he has mine. I think that means I win this year lol. I ended up with a Crosley Cruiser from Target (yes, I scored this on a Target run lol). They have Vinyl now so I picked that up at Target also. Right now they have the black Crosley for $59.99! I spent about $80 total and I know itā€™s a gift heā€™ll use time and time again. Also, the helpful guy in electronics let me know that there wasnā€™t a huge difference between the Cruiser and the more expensive options so snaps for him and thank you little buddy! šŸ‘šŸ¼šŸ™ŒšŸ¼ If youā€™ve managed to scroll to the end, thanks for reading! Iā€™ll be sure to check in and let you know what he thinks and where we score some amazing new records. 

Confessions of a Mom Entering the Toddler Years…

Okay so I recently had the discussion with my husband that our sweet girl is now a toddler and will probably start behaving like one (she already does šŸ˜³). He obviously only sees her as the sweet angel she was when we brought her home. Of course sheā€™s still the sweetest and I love her immensely, but Jesus she has become a sass master.

Letā€™s just say this girl is fierce and I see her conquering the world one day. For now, she reacts with vengeance when sheā€™s told ā€œnoā€ and weā€™re working on that lol. So here are my little confessions since embarking on this terror train. 

  1. I donā€™t like her sometimes. šŸ™ Now, I always LOVE my child unconditionally but I donā€™t like her all the time. She just now walked up to me and clawed my face. Hence me not liking her for a second. 
  2. When my husband leaves it all to me to deal with, I plot what household object Iā€™d like to knock him out with. Fellas, be better. All around just be there for fuckā€™s sake. 
  3. I see my temper in her and it scares the shit out of me. I hope I can teach her better coping skills than I have. 
  4. Iā€™m honestly terrified that Iā€™m screwing her up. Iā€™m trying my best to discipline in a constructive, science-backed manner but itā€™s freaking hard. 
  5. I donā€™t like being a stay at home mom. I hate saying that because I wanted that for so long. This is probably an unpopular opinion but I feel like Iā€™m wasting my education and it seriously devastates me. My husband doesnā€™t see me as the accomplished woman I am anymore and that pisses me off more than it makes me sad. Iā€™m still wrestling with this and itā€™s okay. 

Okay, rant over and if you made it through that, snaps for you! šŸ˜‰