Baby’s First Illness 

Y’all I’m writing to you from a desperate place. Little Millie is sick with her first real stomach “icky” and I’d be lying if I said was handling it like a pro. She started throwing up on Saturday. We’re coming up on the third evening of throwing up and my heart is breaking for her. I’ve cried literally every time she’s gotten sick and I wish more than anything I could take this sickness from her. 

However, this is my first rodeo with something like this (well with my own kid anyways) and I’ve picked up some new mommy knowledge I thought I’d share. It’s probably old news to veteran moms but still…

  • Keep butter bowls or Tupperware within reach at all times. Seriously keep them on every table, countertop, beside the couch, etc.  Trust me. 
  • Co-sleeping breastfed baby? Sleep topless on top of towels and keep a stack of new towels by the bed. Also trust me lol After 12 loads of laundry I’ve given up on keeping pajamas on her and me. 
  • Keep nursing! Nurse any chance! You do not want that baby getting dehydrated. We’re currently nursing and offering sips of Pedialyte every 15 minutes. With that being said, SIPS are better than gulps when they’re still nauseous. Also learned that the hard way. Yes breastmilk is amazing but too much on and aggravated tummy leads to Excorcist like conditions. 
  • Call your mom, aunt, cousin, best friend, whoever! Being stuck at home bleaching everything sucks. Take three seconds for yourself and have an adult conversation even if said conversation is about the contents of your baby’s puke. 
  • When all else fails, sit in a warm, comfy bath with your sick babe. It will relax both of you and encourage nursing. Hey if puke happens in there, no big deal 🤷🏼‍♀️. 

If you’ve made it this far, thanks for reading and wish me luck. I’m still stuck in the trenches of this one.